
Premium Dog Meal 10KGS

Original price was: KSh 1,400.Current price is: KSh 1,200.

Order Premium Dog Meal 10KGS
SKU: 13 Category:


Anistar Dog Meal is uncooked meal that comes in homogenous coarse flour form that is easy and quick to prepare. The meal carries wheat bran for fiber, rice and maize germ for energy, meat meal for proteins, omena for fatty acids and vitamins and bone meal for minerals like calcium. We also add toxin binders to ensure no form of toxin including aflatoxin will be absorbed in the gut incase any type of toxin comes into contact with food during storage or meal preparation. It is available in 10kgs, 20kgs and 50kgs packs

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm


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